Sunday, February 17, 2013

LeBron James, Undeniably Great

What LeBron James has been able to do the last 7 games is undeniably incredible. Scoring 30+ points and shooting 69% (80-116) from the floor during the stretch. He is having one of the best single season performances I have ever seen. One of the most amazing things about his current stretch is that he has managed to score 30+ points while Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh are also scoring 20 or more points. James is making the most of his opportunities and is the leading candidate for MVP.

With great success comes great comparison and in this case, James has big shoes to fill; Air Jordan’s to be exact. We call him King James, The Akron Hammer and The L-Train. Why do sports fans feel the need to call him the next MJ? Better yet, why even try?